Jimten Filtmaster
Manufactured in Spain, Jimten Filtmaster uses the most advanced technology to achieve efficient water filtration in the industrial and agricultural fields. Its modular filter system with filter media, screen and disc filters has a wide molecular capacity, meaning it is versatile and suited to all water types.
The range of the filtration system is available in volumes of 15 and 600 m3 of capacity and 25, 50, 100, 130, and 200 microns. It comes with 2, and 3-inch filters that allow the user to create manual versions through personalised configurations. Furthermore, the patented disc system allows a real micron gap along the filtering surface.
Jimten Filtmaster offers several unique benefits which include simple installation, adaptation to a variety of water types and ease of cleaning, making it one of the most efficient, versatile, and profitable filtration tools on the market.
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