FIP Flow Meters

Manufactured in Italy, FIP Flow Meters are the ideal solution for monitoring and controlling water in the recirculation process of the pool system.

Correct management of the water system that underlies the swimming pool installation involves the monitoring of volumes. In the case of volumes conveyed in pipes, the flow rate is monitored; in the case of volumes stored in the balancing pool, the level is measured.

The recirculation system must be designed to ensure an effective homogenisation of the pool water. In the section of the installation before the filtration phase, it is recommended to use a flow meter based on series F6.60 electromagnetic technology. In the part of the installation downstream of the filtration phase, it is possible to install a rotor sensor equipped with the new F3.00.W series Bluetooth wireless technology; this can be combined with a M9.00 series monitor equipped with the practical Help on Board, a guided system calibration and self-diagnostic procedure.

The FIP rotor flow sensor model F3.00 is a simple and reliable device for any type of solid-free liquids. The sensor can measure flows from 0.15 m/s (0.5 ft/s), producing a highly repeatable output frequency signal and the extremely solid construction and proven technology guarantee exceptional yields with little or no maintenance. Dedicated electronics with push-pull output are available for secure connection to any type of digital instrument/PLC input and the family of specially designed adapters reduces installation time in tubes of all materials and sizes, from DN15 to DN600 (0.5-24").

Contact Our Expert

Alfio Spoto
FIP International Sales Manager